
Diversitat is a registered charity

Our History and Foundations: Diversitat is our trading name and it means Diversity in a number of languages. We are a registered charity whose history reaches back more than 35 years in the Geelong region and today we represent over 45 ethnic groups working with disadvantaged communities from all backgrounds. Over the past decade Diversitat has rapidly developed a strong reputation both regionally and at a state and National level as a strategic leader in Settlement Serivces, Training, Employment Programs, Social Enterprises, Aged Support and Cross Cultural Planning, Community Radio and Media, Youth Programs and Arts and Events highlighted by our renowned Pako Festa. By merging with a number of respected service providers and co-operatives including Jindara Financial Serivces, GATE (Geelong Adult Education Training and Education), Geelong Community Radio Co-op and Wholefoods Co-op, Diversitat though a sound governance model, professional management team and highly-skilled staff has maintained and strengthened a broad range of services for the Greater Geelong region. We have also established a number of new social enterprises and programs including You Turn and GMEC (Geelong Media Education Centre).

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